‘Measuring Change’ report,
April 2023
The Wick Award 'Measuring Change' impact report was published in Spring 2023. The report highlights the value of the long-term impact of the Big Local programme in Hackney Wick.
We believe the report demonstrates that an asset-based approach has empowered residents and led to sustainable change.
We invite you to read the report and join the conversation about the future of neighbourhood working in Hackney Wick and beyond.
Community research in Hackney Wick
The Wick Award was set up to help the community identify and respond to the deep social issues this deprived area of Hackney faces. We’ve focused on three central challenges:
Our fragmented community
The lack of opportunities for young people
The needs of many of the area's older people
In each case we have established a working group of those directly involved in order to research the range of local needs and suggest priorities and actions. We established the Community Chest funding in order to address the first challenge: for the other two challenges we have carried out in-depth research to dig deep into the issues. Learn more below.
Wise Wick (2020)
In 2018, Age UK research identified Hackney Wick as an area where over-65s experience the highest levels of loneliness in the country. The Wise Wick report (2020) collates the responses of 58 Hackney Wick residents aged 60 and over, capturing their experiences of social isolation and loneliness in the borough. Click here to read the Wise Wick report.
Hackney Wick through young eyes (2017)
The ‘Hackney Wick through young eyes’ report (2017) explored young people’s experiences and thoughts about living in Hackney Wick. The report highlighted the things that make Hackney Wick a wonderful place to grow up - and also shone a light on a number of challenges facing many local young people. Click here to read ‘Hackney Wick through young eyes’.